Yep it'sa bust haven't seen one RARE fish in the tank whatsoever! And trying to find a VR person at all is insane! 1 and 30min nothing then to find VR Home3 then she leaves a few secs after i find her... WTH! This is pure Madness! MANDNESS i tell ya MADNESS! I'm about to rip the cord out of the wall at this point! Only thing to come of this was jumping to IREM Seaside and after two years i got the RARE Blue Saphire ring after two long years! WOW! That was the only thing good to happen doing all this jumping! Still need the RARE Emerald... AWW! Got the Rare Red one last week just that Emerald to go after a two year wait! hmmm, But again this VR persons are ticking me off big time... If they had a comment box i sure give them an earful! I tell ya that! Zakumi was hard to find but this event is just INSANE! Really! By: DCS
Wow, you've managed to come across the some of the rare fishes, Dan. I have a statue of that shark on the right but no photos of it yet.
And again, you're completely free to rip the cord out of the wall and ruin a perfectly good PS3 only after doing an hour and a half search for one of 7 VR reps from the Aquarium. A good lot of us are having fun chatting and playing the game while waiting for the VR reps to come in and out, there was even a rep at the instance I was in before I signed off that's been there for a good hour or 2 hour now. I had a rep last night stay in an instance I was in last night for at least 3 hours before moving. He was running around and dancing and mingling with the rest of us, having a good time. But yeah, you're more than welcome to quit, because "this event is an absolute bust!", just like when someone said the PSN Store was gone forever and never coming back...awwwwww
What i need is for some people who are in Japan Home to addme for this event... if they are in a space with the VR person and rare fish so i could goto them! But who wants to addme to help me out with this event? Again i would need them to be in the place that has the VR person and the rare fish... HELP! I'm in Japan right now looking for a VR person and been looking now for 40min no Luck here.... So if someone is on Japan now and has a VR person and rare fish on theres now please let me know? Thanks! DCS-JP for Japan if anyone can help! Thanks! Otherwise PS, if u addme for this event let me know that when u addme. I get allot of random adds and i always delete please let me know its for this event when u addme. Thanks!
Big thank you to faga for all of the information regarding this Aquarium event and all of the other reliable and accurate info. and tips that you have provided. It is invaluable and makes a sometimes confusing world in JP Home so much easier to understand. This space and event takes Home to an all new level (like so many others in JP have already) and it has been fun to spend time there with everyone. YPSH'ers are good people.
Cheers for all your info, tips and pic/vids. I managed to collect all 3 files for the black tip, but the barracuda was causing nothing but problems for me. The VR rep would always disappear just before I'd enter the tank. I must make a mental note to myself not to have an all nighter again, it was a stupid idea. I'm soooooo tired.
well got shark twice, guess i saw the barracuda from outside tank but was never able to shot it when i dove T_T
I missed the 3rd shark pic by about 5 minutes. I think that was still VR5, that was there for hours, that Chad mentioned in his post. I saw VR5 write something in English and that he was from the UK, at one point last night. At least I could have sworn that was him. Most of the other time, he was writing in Japanese. VR5 was quite shifty, too. He would be all over the space, including the entrance or by the blog term area. And he would go in and out of idling or dancing. Not sure what he was doing with himself during those times he was idling or moving about. But it was all around fun being there. -1ol I'm going to try one more late-nighter, tonight to get the shark and hopefully get 2 more shots of the barricuda before that.
Missed two opportunities today to take a pic each of the shark and barracuda cause I got a "lost connection to server" (usually x80710D23) lo the first time and the second time my PS3 froze. Even missed two never seen before videos due to "lost connection to server" errors again. Hopefully, I'll have a better luck on Friday.
At least u didnt fall asleep 5 away from ur dive with the VR tanding nxt 2 u, DOH!!!! Allgood, i b dat nxt, rd believe that! & ty for the kindness given by the gifted... u know who u r :afro:
I have found Common Dolphinfish (No.15). I still need to verify it's requirements. If my info that I gathered is correct, then not many will be liking this...
Not sure whether to be happy or scared... I would ask what your thinking might be on this fish but not sure if I wanna know so soon...when do you think you can confirm it for us?
oh my, so they've all been there just haven't been found yet? here was me thinking they would be arriving with a future update *shivers* great work Fa-ga I hope is not something crazy like having to dive in right after the VR or something similar.
I also think if any Home event is making one more angry than happy, it might be best to try something else. Maybe if looked at as a challenge instead of just frustrating, we will gain more fun out of what we're doing in the end. As the following mini-mini-picture essay shows, it wasn't all chocolate oatmeal cookies and mocha cappuccinos for me either.Things started nicely enough one night when our VR rep in the blue shirt started dancing. But then things suddenly changed with a quick 2-1 UFC punch. :boxing: At first I thought it was our own martial arts expert KarateChampChad, but it turns out it was the VR rep! I was stunned but ok. He apologized. I think the diving deprived him of oxygen. So we hugged and went back to diving for rare fish. The lesson here is even when things get a bit rough, small acts of kindness and good conversation can sometimes make up for those brief bad moments. That, patience, persistence and a nice cut of ribeye steak for your cheek can make it all a bit better.
Trillian, if I ever miss any of your posts going forward, just assume that I would have given you a "like" if I had seen them.
While I was trying to get the rare fish, it was actually fun gathering with friends and getting together talking, trying to gather each other by getting others by taking 1 photo and get out of the game, and bitching about the event lol (you can end the game by pressing x (or circle for US PS3s?) and get to the points and photo save screen to make things faster.)
I missed my barracuda try when I went for a swim after a long wait. I saw it swimming afterwards, so I'll try and grab him later on tonight. I will try for the shark as well, but that's at dusk hours at my time... I might need to get it on Friday night or Saturday night, just to take my time with it. I also found out I'm still one away from the Black Tuna fish (No. 11), so I'll try my hand at it again. I'll come by early at 9:30pm and see if the barracuda has made its way to the VR Aquarium.