The arcade is just a arcade case whats also been classed has a active item just because you can use it to game launch to the game.
Yeah i just tried to put the Showdown arcade in my Harbor studio. That stinks. The Namco museum arcade cabinets work as a game launch and dont count as active. I probably wont be using this either. On the bright side I have played a few rounds in the game and love it so far. There are tons of levels in the game.
EVO world finals to be streamed live in home this weekend, Attendees will receive a line of exclusive PlayStation Home/EVO virtual items: Visitors on Friday will receive a limited edition EVO t-shirt for their PlayStation Home avatar; on Saturday players will be rewarded with a special fighting stick companion item; and on Sun all viewers will receive a replica of the EVO trophy for their PlayStation Home personal spaces. Watch the 2011 EVO World Finals Live in PlayStation Home – PlayStation Blog
Just checked this out on the blog. Sounds like a really great event. I hope I can log on for a few to check out some killer fights.
I think I need some help :teehee: I wanted to buy the Black Irem Brigade Costume, but I'm unable to find the Mask for female avatars... I found everything else like Gloves, Shirt, Trousers and Boots... I also found the Mask for male avatars... Why is it not available for female avatars? :huh4: (I was looking for it in EU and JAP Home too, where it was available... :sad: )
Im assuming those times are PST? Damn these people...... EDIT: Confirmed as PST times I'm picturing a stick that stands next to you and swings spastically at the air
:1eye: Bought that Irem Brigade stuff myself in multiple regions, all but that headpiece each time. Just found that too freaky for me. :1eye: Anywho, I looked in Irem Square where I know I bought my Brigade outfit and none of the outfit's pieces where there. I also looked in that Irem shopping center store, didn't see it. I did buy a white doctors lab coat and a skirt (100 Yen each, not bad) because I forgot that space will still be here and was worried I'd miss out. Then I checked out Irem Seaside, didn't find it, but I was struck both by how many items I purchased at Seaside alone, 17, and by how many items they had. Good, likable stuff, and yet they didn't make enough money in Home and are leaving. :sad: Went to Spelunkers and it's snowing outside! How long has it been that way? Additionally, I talked to the boy and got a potion bottle reward, played the now darker-looking cave mini-game and (again?) received the glowing bat repellent bomb, a red key and a black bomb, things I'm certain I had been rewarded a longggg time ago. Checked the R-Type and Gekido-Meadow spaces also and didn't see the Brigade stuff there either. Geez I couldn't even find the non-headpiece stuff! I sure hope a supa sleuth here can help you. :detective:
I'm hoping to catch some of this live streaming of the EVO world finals. How cool to watch some of the best players in the world take each other on, live, publicly! Street Fighter may not be my thing but it's still exciting to watch the very best players. Bring it on! :chair:
I guess this reply should be in JP thread but I'll just reply here. lol Anyways, I'm certainly no supa sleuth, but I'm sure I saw the Irem Black Brigade outfits in the JP navigator shopping section (down at bottom for mens and womens clothes) and in the Irem tab in Threads at the shopping mall, as recently as yesterday. I havent looked in NA or EU yet but am hoping to get it in at least one of the regions, so I hope they arent gone already! oh also....I dont know about the female head part.....I dont generally look at the female items so I wouldnt know about that in particular. That is weird though if its not available for females. Has it ever been does anyone know?
I've been buying some of the Spelunker stuff in the US. I might need to buy more though. In JP Home, I bought lots more of the Irem stuff though. I'm thinking about buying the gigolo outfit and some more men's stuff.
Yep it prolly should be in the Japan thread, but it was asked here. :sigh: Well Sherlock, I wish I woulda tried your easy route before taking time to download multiple spaces, taking time to get to multiple spaces, and taking time to look for the Brigade items in those spaces, my slow way. :disgust: If Vanille is reading any of this, try Hopper's way! I haven't went back to Japan since my meanderings, but that's a better way to find the stuff. I just figured maybe it wouldn't be there and sometimes you have to visit a particular space to find it. That's true of some items n'est pas? Items not made for females also, being weird? Surely you jest. The very latest item I know about being unavailable for females is the UFC sunglasses. I lost a lot of points trying to get those and when I did, guess what? Good guess. So either the UFC sunglass-designer is a misogynist or they must think females don't want to wear UFC sunglasses. Sorry if I sound all bewitchy about it but geez. They aren't that hot anyway. So pfft. :baby:
Actually I posted it here because I couldn't find the mask in US Home I found all of the other parts like the Shirt, Gloves, Trousers and Boots in US though. I also found all parts including the mask for male avatars. (In EU and JAP Home I had no problem finding all parts of the Black Irem Brigade Costume at all. In EU all parts of the costume are at Irem Square and in JAP I found everything in the navigator. I always go shopping in the navigator in US and JAP - I miss this possibility so much in EU!) I already searched in all Irem spaces in US, in the mall and in the navigator, I think they either forgot to put the mask for female avatars in the store or maybe they took it away... Booo! I don't think they will bring it back until 1 September... :sad:
The Spelunker space in Japan is probably the only one that doesn't show their merch in the Navigator's Shopping queue. You have to get through the end of the cave mini-game after running from the big boulder to activate the exclusive shop. I'd say, get what you can from there and be happy what you got before it ends.
I was just trying to say that my reply to the previous post was related specifically to what I found in JP thats all. My bad---doesnt matter anyways....its all good. I definitely wish they had the navigator option in EU as well!). Btw, I did notice that the female head part is missing NA...they must have forgotten about it or took it out at some point (if it was ever there in the first place).