Ive been watching "Duke Nukem Forever" gameplays and i gotta say it looks pretty cool since u get to interact with stuff around you and shoot just like the old 90s game. but since its a game that came back from the grave do you guys think i should get it?
almost all reviews for the game have been bad, look it up on gamefaqs, they list all the reviews from major websites, or just download the demo from the psn store
pretty much a majority have been bad reviews, but like iced tea said try the demo out in the psn store you never know you might actually like it.
I have Duke Nukem Forever & to me it's short. Nice graphics sounds good great controls. Duke Nukem Forever is straight forward, shoot the bad guy get from point A to point B. It's a nice game however there's no unlockable rewards like costumes weapons or whatever no DLC. The online is frantic kinda hard to hit what's in front of you. The main game there isn't much to it, it's not a $60.00 game. If you really want it after you tried the demo wait till it drops in price to around $19.00
Like Everyone Said Bad Reviews .. The Trailer Looked Very Good! It Seems To Me, Games Lately Focus More On Quality And Details Rather Than Story D:
More like DLC & money. Take capcom, how many times have they re released & sold gamers the same game recently? marvel vs capcom 3 came out how long ago & already capcom has ultimate marvel vs capcom 3 set for a few months from now, & it's $39.99 with 50 characters. Because of capcom & games like Duke Nukem Forever, developers get upset when we trade in games so they toss the online pass at us. Bad games or 5 different remakes of the same games, It's better just to wait for price drops, rent or trade in.
Bought Borderland GotY comes with the Duke Nukem Forever demo/First Access Club code and waited months on end for the demo. As the game gone gold and the demo released shortly after for all First Access Club members and I gotta say, the game plays out like crap! The load time takes way too long when you die each time and uses dated UNREAL Engine 2 (which is the graphic engine choice back in early 2000). I guess all the cool trailers and hype build around the game makes it a hype machine and when the game releases its a dud. If any game studio can resurrect DNF with today's standard, its gotta be EPIC Game (Gears of War) or id Software (RAGE).
I say if they didn't include online multi-player & focused solely on the main game, Duke Nukem Forever would be awesome. Not every game needs online multi-player