Thanks Carla for uploading that!!! I'm having trouble reducing my HUGE filesize to upload. I accidentally captured a 60 fps capture. Looks great. But wow, massive. My pc keeps overheating when I try to process the whole thing..... Btw, if anyone would like to download ANY video on youtube, you can install DownloadHelper extention on Firefox. DownloadHelper - Media download Firefox extension
This i found great for downloading youtube vids without having to install firefox add'on's KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more!
Great video Carla. I enjoyed the event a lot more than I thought I would, and I'm definitely going to be attending the JP event in the future.
Looking forward to the next show soon... Hopefully, the server won't get errors again during loading like last morning. If I miss this, I'll try for the 7am EST showing.
Thanks to everyone that showed up, and I'm happy to get Ai-chan at the Macross Concert last night without crashing. The concert was the best thing this year. YAY! ^^
Thanks for posting part 1 carla XD It not the way I wanted to watch it, but obviously the home gods didn't want me to experience the whole thing for myself
photos from macross super live Thanks CB, great job nothing i can add this nice video these views are from outside of seat
Though a bit daunting to finally watch, Macross was quite mahvelous in the end. :smile: I kept having an ACCIDENT whilst there, so when those in the know here say go early, go early! This baby needs to gestate a bit longer than most. Maybe seven or eight times I needed to go there and back again to try to get it to fully load but I finally figured I was truly doomed and tried for a new instance. When I got my new instance it was fascinating to watch how fast it filled up! :wow: If all those peeps streaming through the spawn point were Gremlins I woulda been freaking out! Fortunately a really nice creature came through for me, Hopper-san! Very thoughtful of him! But then I worried I still wouldn't load right and Hopper had missed his chance to be with all the others, the multitude of funny chats and crazy stuff that would likely happen in the main space where so many of you YPSH peeps were. Our instance was quite quiet, only rarely interrupted with two Japanese chatting as we went group chat and I did most of the blabbing, though I did shaddup for long spells, right Hopper? But amazingly I loaded in time to see the second half and to see that Sheryl must have put her short shorts on backwards. mg_smilie: I'd make a crack here but I think she made enough of one to cover me. Plus she has Barbie legs! And that story, epic! Who knew that their mutual love was a he and he is now a she and is their father! Oops, not sure how to do that spoiler hiding deal. I may not have gotten that all right though. Gotta say I liked Sheryl's song better than Ranka's, but Ranka's green hair is pretty sweet. Anywho, short story long, I got the Atomic Ferret* too! :colgate: * Ai-thingy on head named by KCC I believe
??? He is she and a father? I don't understand... Sheryl's father was never mentioned. Her grandmother was professor Mao Nome from Macross Zero....
Confusing isn't it. See that's the thing, why wasn't Sheryl's "father" ever mentioned? Hmm? Maybe, just maybe, that person in last nights Sing Off who was of an indeterminate sex is really Sheryl and Ranka's sex-changed parent, their common mather such as it is, come back from the future. :huh: Hard to know for sure. That's what i got out of all that nihongo text, but then again I don't read Japanese very well either.
huh? Don't know what your trying to say Ranka's mother is Ranshe Mei and Sheryl's mother doesn't get named but a photo of here appears in the series. Both fathers doesn't appear. There is also a manga where Sheryl's parents are named. Sally Nome and Abel Kuuro (SP?). Not sure how the manga is treated in the story line though.
They're too similar to say either isn't good and I don't want to get a bum rap so I'll just say it's ok. :wink1:
This is good because I don't know what i"m trying to say either. :tongue: Making stuff up on the go isn't my best attribute. It's nice to see people take me seriously as I frequently live in a dreamworld and even visit a virtual one too from time to time. Mather Lives! :colgate:
Not much is known about Sheryl's and Ranka's parents. They all get toasted in a Vajira attack that completely destroyed their colony. They were both orphans. Ranka was quickly adopted by a remorse-ridden fighter pilot. Sheryl never found a home. She lived alone on the streets of the Galaxy Colonial Ship. this video has clips of a young Sheryl living on the street. [video=youtube;iVuho32VSQo][/video] I love the opening line of that song... "When I used to believe in a god..."
So once again I peer thru the HOME crystal ball and I give you something that is coming in JPN HOME... Sony Recreates Popular Aquarium in PlayStation Home Update from official JPN HOME blog site post in VitalogyPJ thread
Nothing really special, but for those that were premium members for Weekly Toro Station between March 25 and the PS3 blackout should be receiving a PS3 mail with a link to the store to give you the PS3 Theme. For those that became premium members from the Welcome back package should be getting it around Sept. (Edit) Forgot that you'll also get a XMB avatar if you bought coins for the figure dispenser (or whatever you call it).