According to Japan Home Wiki, here's a list of all the Granzella rewards so far: Underwater Rewards: Miscellaneous: Seaweed Hair Crab on Finger Rings: Obsidian Agate Coral Pink Amber Earrings: Moonstone (Left ear) Moonstone (Right ear) Coral Pink (Left ear) Coral Pink (Right ear) Turquoise (Left ear) Turquoise (Right ear) You'll also get a new Ripped Shirt and Jeans when coming to Granzella for the first time. Sorry, no reward for coming in 1st for the Jet Ski race.
The game was clearly written by the same person who wrote the soccer kicking game. I've managed to race five times out of a few hundred attempts. Once, I really raced. Once, I raced, but got left drifting by a rock when the race should have ended. Three times, I was placed underwater in the treasure hunt area. Nice place otherwise. Still not clear on how one gets into the lodge up top.
I think like before with these designers and the current design of the space, doors will open later and the space will evolve. Google Translate Bug Bug in motorbike race [2011/07/15] [Water] Lounge "tropical island retreat," mini-games that are installed in the "water bike race", and has some bug was identified, and it is expected to fix soon. ※ For details, the official website Home maintenance information can be found in. 1) Watercraft sank into the water during the race, the race may be performed normally. 2) When carried out in three races, may not be able to successfully end the race one of the three.
Well, I see people hanging out in the lodge. I guess they could be glitchers, but there tend to be a lot of them.
Once while racing, near the end of the race the camera changed. Perhaps I was responsible by pressing some button, I don't know. But I realized I had to press down on the accelerator (R2 button) and finished the race. Does this sound like what happened to you? I've only seen one "person" in the lodge up top, but I thought they were a prop because they weren't moving. Guess I'll have to take a better look next time. If you've seen multiple people then they prolly are glitchers.
Yeah. I have only seen the one girl computer avi up top and I have not seen the glitchers. If they don't open it soon I just might have to ghost into there. :wow: I ain't ghosted in a long time. ;D BTW. If there was any team / country that I could get over after beating MY US Women's Soccer Team in the World Cup it is Japan. Way to go Japan. You deserve the victory ! I only wish I was in Japan to experience the celebration that I am sure they will be enjoying for some time. Congratulations Japan ! :clap:
Hey Heavy, I can help. I posted some guides. It will tell you what all the japanese phrases on your L1 list are. And I've listed the emotes on the R1 trigger in both japanese and english. It's at the bottom of the first post.
I declare we have a Welcome Home party for Heavy in JP, whose with me? ;D Now how do I make a damn poll?
Welcome to the Japan Home, HeavyMystik! And Chad, I think a party is a great idea, just don't forget the food this time! I just came across some type of glitch with the Granzella space. Earlier today I had 11 of the 12 rewards from the South Sea Isle. Then I picked up the "light circle" item from the Elemental Monster space. The next time I went to the South Sea Isle, I went through the initial animation again, and found that I had lost all 11 of my rewards, and a ton of other items too, including my Capcom T-Shirts and that "light circle." They no longer showed up under my list of received awards. I was just about to restore my Japanese PSN files using saves on a USB drive when I decided to check my storage. All of the missing items are there, including the South Sea Isle items. I'm going to restore them to my inventory and then head back to the Granzella space to see what happens. Edit. Restoring the items to my inventory seems to have worked. They're showing up under my "earned rewards" again, and I didn't have to touch my backup files.
The new Granzella space is causing reward issues now? First I'm hearing of this :blink: Think I'll stay away from there for a little while, I've been there on and off just to visit over the past few days and had no idea this was going on...
Uh oh...and here I've been jumping back a forth between there for rewards mg: I haven't had anything weird go on with my account though...
I seem to have resolved the issue successfully, but as I always say, "Your mileage may vary." So just be warned, and back up your files if you haven't already done so. I believe Firefly left some great instructions on these forums several months ago if my memory serves.
I'm not sure about this, but I think each time you log into Home it contacts a server that lists your rewards. If you can't connect to that server properly, you can't see your rewards until you restart home. Carla would know more than me. But that's what I've heard.
I don't think that's it Firefly. I didn't restart Home. I just moved the items back to my inventory and wardrobe and they suddenly showed up again under my "earned rewards." It's because they were missing from that list that I didn't immediately check my storage, and almost overwrote my PSN save files.
Sorry for the confusion. I edited my original post several times as I learned additional info. As far as I can tell, all of my reward items were thrown into storage. Putting them back into my inventory somehow fixed the problem. I don't understand it. Just glad it was a simple fix. And Dee, you might want to check your messages every once in a blue moon, just saying. lol
Sounds like u haven't gotten by the Winterwonderland Awards BUG yet! U need to get by the bug caused by that when they removed those rewards... U need like 23 item's or more to clear that Bug for the new item's to register online! It just sounds like u still got this BUG and haven't cleared it yet! AWW! Just Saying that may be ur problem and it can be fixed.... By: DCS