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Wonder what they mean by for free limit time only with the Alien Casino at the end of the video, Guessing so many free tokens to play with ?
There is a response in the blog, it means that the item that you get there that allows you to play at your private spaces will only be there for a limited time, so make sure you grab it.
Im with you Evil. Billabong coming to US is great news! The casino and the hamster in a ball sound like they might be fun.
thanks carla for the info but i don't know why they keep advertising the alien casino we know it is coming soon.....oops didn't mean to say that word lol. really though it would be one thing if it was coming out tomorrow and i could see letting us know that but it isn't so i just don't see the point of them making a big deal about it till then. i mean shoot when i went to the blog and seen it at first i thought it was coming with this update till i read the comments lol. that is like me saying i got this bag of cookies to share with everyone but i am going to make you wait a week before i give them to you lol. i mean don't get me wrong it is nice to know that it is coming next week but they could have just said that at the end of the blog and next week had the video and it be the headline of blog about the alien casino. ok i am done with my rant for now lol ( mumble stupid sony mumble have to get me all excited mumble ) .
Well if they dont comment that the casino is still being worked on people will complain. So im pretty sure thats why it is mentioned every update.
The male Billabong items are okay but not as good as the female ones. They should've included a surf board as a hand item.
I will admit I wish I had a male avi for the wetsuit or at least they could include a female version of it.
i know was hoping for a dress or 2, but knowing me I would have bought every style in one color and yeah I actually bought the balloon costume they are pretty fun and cute.
I would have been all over the surfboard if Billabong had it. I only liked the black hoodie, the other Billabong items were lame.