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12 Days of Xmas Event log

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    12 Days of Xmas is a SCEA only event marking the first year of Home open beta and let's not forget Xmas, each day users must do a task at the Xmas tree in Central Plaza to get a free home gift.

    Each day there is a new gift that is awarded so if you miss a day you miss the item.
    11th December: Gift 1 - Click on the tree in Central Plaza.

    12 Days of Xmas Event log, C.Birch, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, png, xmasmale1.png 12 Days of Xmas Event log, C.Birch, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, png, xmasfemale1.png
    Male 1 year anniversary T-shirt & Female 1 year anniversary T-shirt
    12th December: Gift 2 - Click on the tree in Central Plaza why wearing Headphones.

    12 Days of Xmas Event log, C.Birch, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, png, xmas2.png
    Gold Chain
    13th Demember: Gift 3 - Click on the tree in Central Plaza wearing the Male Ninja Torso ($0.49 from Thread) **Only the Male Torso works**

    12 Days of Xmas Event log, C.Birch, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, png, xmas3.png
    Ninja Figurine
    14th Demember: Gift 4 - Tree was broke again, so item was awarded via going to screen 6 of the theater. 12 Days of Xmas Event log, C.Birch, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, png, xmas4.png
    15th Demember: Gift 5 - Click on the tree in Central Plaza wearing the racing hat from threads

    12 Days of Xmas Event log, C.Birch, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, png, xmas5.png
    Racing Car
  2. ADAMPwns

    ADAMPwns Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    This thread needs maintenance, I think.

    The first item was actually not the t-shirt, but a Christmas tree. On the first day of the event, December 10th, the box was able to be opened without giving a riddle or requiring one to be answered, it was bugged. Anyone who opened the box on that date received the Christmas tree on December 11th.

    Also, there have since been two new items and the ninja figurine was re-released on December 14th due to the fact that the riddle was only able to be solved by the male torso which caused a lot of controversy on the forums.


    10th December: Gift 1 - click on the box in Central Plaza.
    **The mini-game was broken on this date and anyone who opened the box on this date received the Christmas tree on December 11th.
    12 Days of Xmas Event log, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, 54
    [Note: This item has since evolved to become a decorated Christmas tree.]

    14th December: Gift 5 - click on the tree in Central Plaza wearing leather pants. ($0.49 from Threads)
    **The riddle was broken on this date and was not able to answered with the proper solution. The item was moved with the ninja figurine to the movie theater at auditorium 6.**
    12 Days of Xmas Event log, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, 54

    15th December: Gift 6 - click on the tree in Central Plaza wearing Classic Race Helmet. ($0.49 from Threads)
    **Male and female versions both work to unlock the box.**
    12 Days of Xmas Event log, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, 54

    16th December: Gift 7 - click on the tree in Central Plaza wearing the fish hat or the shark hat. (Unobtainable, received by redeeming a code found in a promotional video that was only active for a week.)
    **The solution to this riddle is no longer obtainable.**
    12 Days of Xmas Event log, Dec 12, 2009, 9:05 PM,, 54

    17th December - Gift 8 - click on the tree in Central Plaza wearing the hamster head. ($0.49 from Costumes)

    18th December - Gift 9 - click on the tree in Central Plaza wearing the angelic armor top released in October. ($0.99 from Costumes)
    **Item was once again bugged allowing only the male top to be able to access it, it has since been moved to Theater 6 with the ninja figurine.**

    19th December - Gift 10 - click on the tree in Central Plaza wearing the PSP Go.

    20th December - Gift 11 - click on the tree wearing the female zombie feet.

    21st December - Gift 12 - click on the tree wearing the turkey costume head.

    22nd December - Gift 13 - click on the tree wearing the blue default Home logo t-shirt.
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Aww so thats where that tree come from i have lol.
  4. ADAMPwns

    ADAMPwns Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    Yeah, a lot of people don't know that, but I just realized that nobody knew. I looked at the thread on the NA boards and I didn't see any mention of the tree, but yes, that is the item from day one.
  5. ADAMPwns

    ADAMPwns Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    16th December: Gift 7 - click on the tree in Central Plaza wearing the fish hat or the shark hat. (Unobtainable, received by redeeming a code found in a promotional video that was only active for a week.)
    **The solution to this riddle is no longer obtainable.**
  6. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Yeah, just read that on US forums. The event is starting to kinda lose the meaning of this time of year now and at the rate its going items are becoming more limited to a set group of users.
  7. ADAMPwns

    ADAMPwns Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    Yes, it is starting to get pretty ridiculous. Regardless, I'm still participating and solving the riddles. I didn't have a problem with them requiring a purchased item to unlock but this.. this isn't even available anymore!
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