LOL. That's funny cute (Attachment 5457). ;D Thanks for the info. I sometimes wish game/reward/events/etc. like this had there own thread sometimes, but I found it again. I think I finally might have a chance to try this again. I played a few rounds of "whatever?" earlier and had no luck. I try again. . Update: Nope. I don't have the attention span to learn this game. :taz:
Despite my initial confusion and frustration with the Magic game, I'm happy that I persisted with it for the rewards. The Co-op Campaign seemed daunting initially but I was going medieval on their Elven arses in the final matches. Thanks to Hopper for the encouragement and assistance.
Slight update on this 100 Welcome Back Items (are going away!) | PlayStation® Community Forums We are holding the 100 free Welcome Back items until at least July 3 (the month mark) or later. Ooblag's Alien Casino is yet to come out, so stay tuned for that fun (and the game everyone will get to take home).
I don't think this was posted yet. You get a "Gradius Statue" by going to the Konami Penthouse. Seemed to have unlocked by achieving the 123,456,789 community point milestone. Looks cheap though.
I was there the other day and didn't see a notification or anything. Gonna have to check later on in the morning.
Yeah I was trying to find that out too. Quote from PSN Blog: UPDATED: Welcome Back Program Available Now – Details Inside – PlayStation Blog Q: When will I have access to the Welcome Back Program? A: "The content offered as part of the Welcome Back Program is available for download today and will be available through July 3." Quoting REPLY to COMMENT 251: "You can start your PlayStation Plus 30 days anytime between now and July 3." Oh and BRIT-KO's reminder is that not everything you download for 'Free' from Plus during the PSN+ subscription will disappear when the trial period ends. Only the free games.
congrats liz on getting the magic statues and thanks faga for the info on the gradius statue . i have something that not everyone might know about that i found the other day, i was in the psn store looking the see what i could get any free home stuff i might have missed and seen they still have the sodium one bundle pack in there and i think the 10 personal spaces pack. the sodium one pack has the salt shooter game, male and female bartender outfits and the scorpion stomping boots for $6.99. to find it you just have to go into the psn store and go to search then type in home and confim, after that just scoll do till you get past the sports illustrated dynamic themes ( which might be why some people have not seen the bundle lol ).
Anyone know what exactly qualifies as a nDreams "Halloween clothing item"? Is there anything other than the reaper costume that will work for that collect-o-rama requirement?
I can't get on Home. Somehow I'm getting an error code after it loads up all the verifying purchases.
Try disconnecting/re-connecting your router and see if maybe that gets you past the error. That has worked for me on several occasions.
I got it with the black party robe, I was told it also unlocks if you have one of the party weapons but I can't confirm it.