Download the Uncharted 3 Beta and receive the exclusive UNCHARTED 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar!Complete 10 matches in every Gametype of Competitive Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 1!Complete 5 matches in every Gametype of Co-operative Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 2!Complete 4 Treasure Sets and receive the Treasure Hunter's Starter Pack!Rank up to level 25 in the Beta and receive a handsome reward of in-game cash on day one!
How about being thrown into a match that is almost ending. You can't even get enough kills during that time. :|
OMG That happens alot in DeadSpace2 MP, like what's the point of letting me join an ending match. I played the Uncharted3 beta, my first match went well Hate the fact that they're still bringing the MP leveling into. Leveling in online MP causes unbalanced matches, Anyway second match lots of slow down then the game froze lol O'well it's BETA. However Uncharted3 beta was beautiful, the graphics the outdoor stage it was so nice i jumped on Uncharted2 lol, I'm so ready for Uncharted3.
i just want to say how impressed i am that the problems we were experiencing got fixed. Wow. that was fast. Wish Home was like that.
I told ya lol. I'm just happy there's a mute option included in the beta, I hate having to search for options like that, beta or not.
Off topic but, since its UC3 related, the universal code for the free U3 Drake's Deception PSN avatar is still valid if anyone never redeemed it. I just tried it on an alt a few minutes and it went through, here's the code. (North American users only I believe) ANAK-R6N9-5F56
Thanks for the info, i love the Uncharted3 beta i played yesterday tried survival & it ran very smoothly. Like in Uncharted2 i don't like the random objectives in survival, i'd rather just have them separate.
Thanks for the info, i love the Uncharted3 beta i played yesterday tried survival & it ran very smoothly. Like in Uncharted2 i don't like the random objectives in survival, i'd rather just have them separate. Also don't like the character leveling, it leads to unbalanced matches but i am so waiting for it on PS3 & PSP Vita,maybe Uncharted 1 & 2 will be put on there too.........WOOHOO!!
Reminder: Uncharted 3 beta goes public The Uncharted 3: Drake?s Fortunemultiplayer beta enters a new phase today; it?s no longer a closed affair.Live sometime today, the beta will be available as a download to all via the PlayStation Store. There?s no exact time given, so you?ll just have to keep checking it.This phase lasts until this Saturday, June 9th, and offers the Airstrip and Chateau maps to play on along with several gamemodes: Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Team Objective, Hardcore, and Co-op Hunter.The upcoming final phase of the testing will be public as well. Lasting until June 13th, the Airstrip and Yemen maps will be up for grabs, with the Team Deathmatch, Three Team Deathmatch, and Co-op Adventure modes.
I would so like a simple Onslaught mode, Not onslaught vs Ai vs other players Not onslaught vs other players vs Ai with mixed objectives. A simple get a friend vs Ai in survival THAT's it that's all i want.