I didn't get to play it yesterday because it downloaded too slowly. I went to bed. But now it's saying "Error authentification failed"
Eeekss, I shall download mine from the inFAMOUS 2 copy of the beta code tonight after I pick up SSFIV: Arcade Edition disc, a $20 PSN card for Beyond Good & Evil and finally Lord of the Ring Extended Edition Blu-ray boxset.
I was getting that earlier. It's working now. I'm currently downloading the NA version on my main machine. I want to use that version to be sure any unlocks carry over.
Hmm...I guess others are having issues staying online with the beta as well? I had no problems with the HK download but I am about to try the NA download and see what's going on there and what happens.
@Naughty_DogNaughty Dog Quick update - we saw some issues with Plunder. We've issued an update to TEMP remove Plunder and replace with Free for All DM. #fb
I'm up now. It works. But I never playe multiplayer before. How does this work? And most importantly, can I get my trademark aviators? Lol!
@Naughty_DogNaughty Dog Also, if you're not able to connect, stuck on "Connecting..." or "Error intializing session mgr" - we're aware & getting things back up. #fb
These videos might help you out. Naughty videos and guides links are on the bottom, Firefly. The U3 Beta faqs and walk through are on the Playstation blog. http://www.youtube/naughtydog http://blog.us.playstation.com/
thank you!!! very kind of you to help me. I'm very lost. Those videos help alot. I am such a noob again.... ^^;
LOL Don't you understand what a BETA is, of course it's going to freeze & drop server connections & bug out on you IT'S A BETA LOL. Complain all you want it's your right but it's a beta be thankful that we're even getting a beta to try.
For a beta its unacceptable, but then again I have to give benefit of the doubt at the fact that Naughty Dog didn't quite intend on having so much traffic, due to PSN being hacked into and every user receiving Plus for 30 days. I'm willing to bet if it weren't for those who took up the 30 day free trial and are playing now, the beta would be running much smoother. In that case, its a beta right? Why offer beta bonuses for doing specific things and playing so many matches if I can't even play ONE match? They need to either pull these offers or make the beta available again with those same bonuses. No reason anyone including myself should be left out due to the clunky beta they put out for download. I rest my case.
A beta is one thing but to offer bonuses on a clunky beta like this is another. It's frustrating when there's things to get but you can't even finish one match let alone get in one without freezing or other issues.
The Uncharted 2 beta worked really well. Let's hope they sort this out quickly because it's not a good thing for the game.
From everyone playing it & having issues i'm sure it'll get looked into & worked out, don't you think? don't lose your cool over a beta.
I've never played the UC2 beta, but by the sounds of it things ran a lot smoother then than now. I think the point I'm trying to make is, I fully understand what a beta is. That this IS a beta, hell I've been using Home since August 2009 and that's STILL in its beta phase, not to mention the countless other betas I've participated in such as Battlefield BC 2 and inFamous 2. On top of that this is only day 1. What bugs me is the Beta bonuses theyre offering and the requirements for these, and also the time limit. If they weren't 100% sure things would run smoothly once put out for download in the PS Store, then why bother to add the bells and whistles when the main thing doesn't even work? I want all the bonuses, or at least a good solid chance at getting everything within my 2 week time limit here, and none of us thus far have any chance whatsoever when it takes 2-3+ hours just to fight to get in and barely make it through a match.
No I'm not losing my cool. Just saying I'm not the only one who'd think this. Like I said, it is still frustrating to see bonuses given when it's impossible to obtain them with the way things are right now, especially when the beta is only going to be up for a certain amount of time.