there? Can you please take away Liza'a ability to edit my posts in her replies? She's mad at me because she's not enough of a nerd to understand Magic the Gathering. LOL! Ok, you got me again Liza--good one. :tounge2:
Hopper, I actually decided to try the game again, intending to exercise some patience and give it more than 3 minutes this time. Unfortunately, I couldn't even get the game to launch from Home. You did say that you need to play the game from Home to earn the rewards, correct? Or was it just returning to the Magic space to receive the rewards?
No Liza, when you have earned your rewards you have to go into the Magic the gathering space in Home to collect them.
Thanks, Dan. That's the impression that I got after re-reading the thread. I misunderstood initially and then couldn't get the game to launch from Home. I guess it's all worthy of one more attempt.
I think its worthy of another attempt Liza--give it time and use the green deck a lot...that gives you the most attacking power it seems. Once you get used to the controls, what is actually going on in the game and the cards themselves I think you will find that you can advance easier....and maybe even enjoy the game a little bit lol I posted a link probably a page or 2 back here that will guide you right through the challenges (right down to exactly what card to play) so that one should be easiest. If you find that your nerd quotient really isnt high enough, feel free to ask me if you need help. lol Trust me, if I could learn it and get the rewards, I know you can too. I got the last one today so here they are!: I really just wanted these 2 when I started:
Not that I am aware of at this point Recca. Doesnt mean that there arent any, but I havent found out anything abot them if there are.
yes, the casino thing, I think I read somewhere that will be released next week, I know for sure they said it would be released in June.
ME :withstupid::afro::football::2guns::robot::wacko::eat::batman::shocking::blushing::beer::sport::winkiss: sorry--I couldnt help myself....I've always wanted to try this lol Think I better go to bed now.
I came here to tell you that I decided to invoke my inner nerd and you've outdone me already. After seeing you and Dan last night, I gave that Magic card game yet another try. I actually managed to win a couple of the rewards - the Angel and the Sphinx. Thankfully, I was able to refer to that guide you posted on the challenges. It would have taken me forever to figure those out.
lol! Wow--nice job Liza! :thumbsup: You completed the single player campaign? See, I knew you had it in you. Now the Hydra statue should be easy for you as well if you have 2 controllers and want it. You only have to win the first one in co-op for that.
Actually, I won the Sphinx for the challenges and the Angel for completing the first part of the campaign. I think that I'm at 23%. I noticed some discrepancy between your list and the rewards that I received.
Where was the discrepancy? What did I do now? I think what I listed matched what I saw on AZ4 no? If its not right, it wasnt me...I didnt do it. :boxed: Isn't this what I posted previously? lol.complete the challenge mode--sphinx statue complete campaign mode--serra angel statue (this one actually comes at some point BEFORE completion apparently) complete FIRST co-op campaign level--hydra statue complete co-op campaign mode--red dragon statue win 10 online games--grinning demon statue I did have them mixed up! Sorry about that--believe it or not, that was the first mistake I've ever made. LOL! Sometimes my brain department takes the day off....and I dont even get the memo. :surprise: Oh by the way Liza, I DID get the angel statue in EU without having completed the campaign--so thanks! I'm wondering now if you only have to do the first one in the single player campaign for the reward rather than the whole thing. Too much thinking for me right now...and it hurts. Good night!
I need to get the grinning demon statue next. Has anyone had any problems with the sphinx statue? I've completed the challenges to receive the trophy but have yet to get the trophy.
No sam--I didnt have any problems getting the statue or the trophy. Were you able to get the statue itself in Home?