Thanks for coming all. Im off bed now its 3:45am for me. Sorry for them that could not make it due to PSN errors.
Thanks all. Was fun. Thank you Brian and Myster. I have to go get some Aurora XP and sleep at some point. :kicking: Thank you YPSH staff too ! Damnit ! :wow:
man had a great time guys , thanks again brian and mystik aand can't wait to see what you guys have for us next *cough tattooed race car game cough* lol. and of course to the ypsh staff great as always .
If you keep getting that error repeatedly for a long time, try to reset your router by disconnecting/reconnecting it. Seems to work every time for me and others that I've suggested it to.
Hope everyone who made this meet-up had an enjoyable time this evening! :thumbsup: Apologies for being unable to attend as I had planned, thought it wasn't for lack of trying. In a situation similar to Firefly, Home simply wasn't being cooperative, and I found myself unable to actually get into the Showroom. The space would begin to download for me… then freeze up and sit there on the loading screen… then I'd have to quit out of there and restart the whole process. Wash, rinse, repeat. :disgust: Nothing I could do would actually get the space to load (of course, all other spaces I tried loaded perfectly fine). While I may not be a fan of Ford products, I was really looking forward to spending an enjoyably fun, entertaining & silly evening with my friends. Even more so today… I''d received some unpleasant personal news last night, and got no sleep as I had some subsequently difficult decisions to wrestle with afterwards (likely one of the most gut-wrenching experiences I've dealt with in at least twenty years… and one I hope never repeats). So after all that, I was certainly looking forward to some pleasant company. But alas, that was not to be. After over an hour of attempts, I simply couldn't get the Ford Showroom to fully load. Then something else unpleasant occurred… and I immediately stop bothering. I received an onscreen notification that my YPSH club membership was revoked.:banned: Thanks for the capper to a really bad day…
sorry to hear about all that is going on baron, but i think i might know why you could not get into the ford space. if you was trying to get in the same space we was only the reason could have been the space was full and it wasn't letting you. i could be wrong but there was alot of people in the space and i am not sure what the limit for an instance is anymore that could have been the peoblem. i hope thing get better for you soon
Thanks Crow, appreciate it. As for the loading issue, it wasn't the usual thing that occurs when a space is full… I've definitely experienced that before. When that happens, when a space is totally full, you're always booted back into your own apartment. I'd never even get that far… if I was lucky, the loading bar would move maybe 40% of the way; but more often that not, it wouldn't even get that far, freezing up without anything even loading. Figure it's just another of the weird bugs we've been experiencing recently on Home… Take care…
I missed most of it too! !!!! Those "Network Errors" gotta get fixed! I really tried to get back on Home after being kicked out, just couldn't. Very upsetting. I know many had problems.
I got to the YPSH FORD Meet a bit later (close to 10pm) and saw majority of everyone there and I ran around try to find glitch and eventually I done the GG, everyone is gone -__- T~T..Ha ha..Nice space tho.
Many thanks CB, I appreciate the clarification. Glad to know this wasn't yet another frustrating Home glitch interfering with either my account or your Club database.*** I'd also like to clarify something from my original post. My closing remark, "Thanks for the capper to a really bad day…", was uttered in complete frustration towards the universe in general… and only that. Looking back, I wish I had phrased this a bit clearer; it certainly wasn't directed at CB personally (who's always been grand to me), nor anyone else here at YPSH. If anyone reading this misunderstood my intentions, please accept my sincerest apologies. As I mentioned previously, I was experiencing a total horrorshow of a day :sadwalk: — a very close friend halfway down the path to total self-destruction; my SEGA account hacked; my Xbox Live account hacked (w/2000 MSPoints spent); ALL my NA Home rewards missing again; the Home connection glitches; and missing the main party — I'm sure (and hope) you can understand my utter confusion & disappointment with the unfortunate timing of that club clearance at the culmination of that very longest of days. Alas, such is real universe. Another day… another misery… :glare: Here's hoping for a better tomorrow. 仕方がない . . . Shikata ga nai * "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking… to quit amphetamines… to quit sniffing glue." ** *. 日本語は話せますか? **.With pseudo-apologies to the screenwritiers of Airplane! for the minor misquote. *** Yet I find it strange that days later, no other friends rec'd any "revoke" notice; all are still Club members. Oh well, I can take the hint… . . Just as a general rule, I don't appreciate deceptive practices or being lied to.