On August 12, 2010, the Feva Space will disappear after the weekly update that night. I am assuming it is leaving all regions. I know it has been announced that Zakumi will make his first and last appearence in the U.S. that night, No idea if he will show up in other regions. Trying to find out more details about this. If anyone has any info, please post! Thanks! ---- Karen
Yep its parting ways for all regions, its going be missed. Far i know he is due to show in the Global space on the 12th for one last party. With the disco lights on the pitch from the coca cola events
well i will b there as love that place , hope we hear the immortal lyrics " WAKA WAKA " one last time
its a shame this is going, I havent bought or won any FP yet, how do i get them? and can I still purchase them. If so I want a vuvuzailer. <As seen in the info screens>.
It's all over. I ran from Japan to EU to HK and back to Japan. Was only able to verify that Zakaumi showed up for ONE MINUTE in HK. However, the Coke Event ran again in Japan TWICE during the last hour. Users (incld. yours truly) got a red or green horn. I was only missing the red one so it completed my collection. But no Zakumi It was fun in Japan at least. Met up with many friends there, who today, like me, can't keep their eyes open! PS3 Home 8-12-2010 Feva002 by Kwoman32, on Flickr PS3 Home 8-12-2010 Feva001 by Kwoman32, on Flickr