How about a Eurovision style competition for Home users ?! Users could upload there songs to a site and we could vote for the finalist, the finalists would then be on the vid screen in the events space. Home users would then vote for the overall winner via a voting terminal. Unlikely but we can dream ! @PiaCarot I like the idea of Terry Wogan but maybe he's a bit old ! How about that bloke from the HomeTV thing that SCEE did ?
Could be linked with SingStar space this idea, where people can add there singstar videos for people to vote on within the Home singstar space maybe?
a haunted house be cool , things popping out of cupboards and spooky noises ... i would love our own cinema , with big entrance with popcorn booth and arcade area where we can add our active items and in the cinema we could stream films stored on our ps3 but not sure about copy right issues so it probably couldnt happen .. and finally a sea monkey apartment where u live in a fish tank and have 2 grow yr own sea monkeys in it with u , u could buy ornaments 2 live in like castles and buy extra creatures 2 live in it with u
But you have to admit his Eurovision commentary was much funnier than Graham Nortons? Anwya this is a great idea!
Wogan was better than Norton but I think the dubious voting patterns of countries got to Wogan ! I would like to see a Track & Field space, where you compete against other avatars by running/swimming faster or throwing further.
i would like to see more done with the feva arena. like sim some of the league matches... EPL, MLS, Champions something. or even some other sport. EA has alota games and it would b cool to go see different sports... baseball, american football, basketball, rugby