Thew psters are free, ok, but why gary says "2 posters have to be bought from store", thats my doubt. Thanx for ur answer
No problem When the NA home received the t shirts, I believe they received them as a reward. Whereas in the EU home we needed to get them from the store instead of being rewarded with them.
I hope to be back in my house this evening (bathroom, etc. remodeling). I need to catch up. No rush, but if anyone has time to compile a new list of recent freebies, it would help me. Of course I might have to try one of the Rewards Freeze workarounds first. Thanks to all that have help with both issues. Now shaddap you baasterds !!! :wow:
So far as I know from yesterday what is being free from PSN Store and HOME as follow...I am sure there is more to discover, but that is what I have known so far from the Chatbox when PSN Store goes live and HOME update yesterday. NA HOME ( - E3 theater space (Plays inFAMOUS 2 and Starhawk trailer in loops and nothing being given) NA PSN Store ( - inFAMOUS 2, Red Faction: Armaggeddon and couple new demos is out JPN HOME ( - E3 theater space (could be playing the same trailer mentioned above) JPN PSN Store Weren't able to access and comes up with some warning in Japanese (if anyone can shed some light on the warning with JPN PSN Store access please let us know) EU HOME (PlayStation Home: Baseline Battle, White Knight Chronicles And More – PlayStation.Blog.Europe) - White Knight Chronicle 2 Event space (get 7 quizzes correct and receive 1 piece red male only WKC 2 armor) ( SpoilerAnswers to 'White Knight Chronicles Spoiler) - Virtual Tennis 2 Event/mini-game held in CP. Its similar game as you try to stay on top of the leaderboard in order to win a free Virtual Tennis 2 theme apartment at later date in June. You can unlock prizes as you play by leveling up. EU PSN Store ( - No More Heroes demo and couple of other free DLCs, but nothing spectacular. HK PS Network still "Under Maintenance" and unable to sign in. If anyone knows more on what is free for this week please do post here as update. Thank you.
Thx Art-well done!! 100 free items in NA as of today also....see the list here: . Are there free Home items in EU or JP? I'm assuming no.
Cool man, thank you for adding the "100 HOME Items Free" as a follow up, plus PSN Store Welcome Back games is ready for download, but don't except smooth download traffic which majority of PS3 users is getting error due to server overload with the request download. Thank you for the follow up Hopper with the HOME free items.
Thanks Art. Remember, I'm a simple man. So I guess that EU is the only freebies offered at this time with White Knight outfit and the tennis game stuff in Home Square. Okie Doke. Think I will wait a day or 2 to try to get the Welcome Back stuff since I might encounter errors due to an overload of users. ;D I really don't have time at the moment anyways. :wow:
Yeah, am most likely won't be downloading the Welcome Back games and HOME items until sometime later this weekend once the server traffics dies down a bit. Well, there is gonna be 3 demos (inFAMOUS 2, No More Heroes and Duke Nukem Forever from First Club Access code) and inFAMOUS 1 to keep me busy aside worrying with the Welcome Back stuff which will be there thru the weekend and so on until ends may be by end of June?
June 16, 2011 update If I'm missing something feel free to add in another post and I will try to add here later--Im doing this quickly for now. NA Ford space--enter the space/talk to Ford rep/complete the 3 mini-games for: Ford t-shirt mp3 player mp3 docking station Fprd cell phone Ford illuminated globe Ford keys Ford digital picture Ford hoodie (for completing all games) CP--2 Sodium2 upgrade items-bumble bee paint scheme and afterburner EU Audi space--e-tron car at store CP--I got the Audi sledge game t-shirt when I entered CP, but maybe that was supposed to be from entering Audi space? 2 Sodium2 upgrade items (I didnt get these in EU ??) JP ?? HK CP--I didnt get anything in CP as I heard about earlier, but I did get the free Sodium2 teleporter from the S2 commerce point Welcome Back package on navigator--100 free items EDIT: Ok, just read on EU message of the day that the Sodium2 upgrades from CP were limited so thats probably why I didnt get them in EU or HK. Sucks for those who arent on Home at the crack of dawn. Ah well, we've been down that road before! :devil:
Yes the Sodium 2 item's from EU and HK Square were Limited Time only... I got them from HK and EU early this morning... So good chance is there gone now. But i thought the same also with USA home i got them early this morning on a few accounts. But later this afternoon i entered USA and didn't get any Sodium 2 items then on that account. I deleted Home and came back in and tried again. And it then gave me the Sodium 2 item's. So it could be that there ALL GONE! or u might have to delete Home and try again like i did. Good Luck! By: DCS
As well the atrocious X80710016 error attack after ver. 1.51 update I can't even get into HOME without having that error pop up every 3 minutes when I am trying to load at the HOME cross menu bar and log out. T~T
I take it that the only freebies from Thursday's Update are the Scribble Shooter Cabinet (w/Demo-Level 1) in HK and the T-shirts that you can win from level one in NA CP from the same game? No other freebies this week? Is Scribble Shooter in EU or JP? Thanks, you blockheads !!! :crybaby:
For NA Home - Starhawk theme, reusable code: 8aq5 4en5 f59d. Enjoy! And I havent found any other freebies this week other than the shirt from scribble either.
This might have been last wek, but we forgot to list the infamous 2 posters and shirts in NA. It might be in eu, but I forget
Free items in the new gift machine are: Stitchkins brownie bulldog cuddly toy Stitchkins jellybean cuddly toy Stitchkins rasin cuddly toy