PlayStation®Home ƒIƒtƒBƒVƒƒƒ‹ƒTƒCƒg Google –|–ó This year, E3 is going global for Playstation home. NOTE: The lounge will be in English (not localized). There is a possibility that the rewards given will differ from other countries. You will not be able to access the store for Japan. (Update) NM...what I said. Everyone can access, just that EU doesn't have it in the navigator. Thank you Rachelicious for clearing it up.
great news, i always thought global spaces were missing a lot since they closed the feva arena last summer
WOW Japan is getting E3 WOW>>> Poor HK! Come on SONY give us Back HK now... Were going to miss this in HK then... AWW! ARRRGGGG!
If any of you kind NA folks get five minutes, could little old me get an invite to the E3 lounge. :smile:
I seem to have misinterpreted and thought E3 will be coming to all regions but seems only Japan got the special treatment. Sorry about the mistake and to those that were expecting the lounge coming to your region.( (Update) Disregard what I wrote here. For other places, it's not in the navigator but can access it with an invite.
The E3 theater at the US PS Home is not even large enough to acomodate everyone at BOTH Americas, so i can only hope each PSN (Europe, Asia, Japan and all else) to put the E3 theater at their respective PS Homes.
It should work like the Global Feva Arena. You will go to your own region's theater but can be invited to, or go to friends in other region theaters. You just need cross-region friends. hyperkane (NA) hyperkane_UK (EU) Hjackman (JP) narcop (HK). My other four are not published. ;D I have many cross-region friends. I can make a little room on my NA and JP accounts, as they are full.
Well, i only have 2 US and 1 Euro accounts and my only euro friend vanished and never came back online after PSN returned to normal without the Ps store at may 14/15, so I'll only see all the E3 stuff at home on my main US account, the same account that I use PS Home, this one as I use as my YSPH username.
didn't work for me... I inivted my UK Avatar over to the E3 Theater... And itr kept saying No Longer Available! So my UK Avatar could not even access the E3 Theater space even... WTH!
True. I tried going to cross-region friends yesterday that were in the theater and I kept ending up in Habor Studio.