Yea that reward bug is scaring me for the e3 rewards.. But it is nice they changed the space around and made it look diffefrent..
I really hope so.....I think what they should do is put whatever rewards given out and distribute those through limitless voucher codes. They would count as a purchase and not a reward, more or less a temporary bypass of this bug. I know they're well aware of this issue, there isn't any way they aren't.
So glad we are getting another Home E3 event, the first one was awesome and am I the only one extremely excited to see what this Heavy Water package is
Good news here about my Aurora level 60 freeze!!! A big WAHOOOOO and a little jig in the living room for good measure! lol With the help of Dan and Trill I got through it...still cant believe it! I had tried before with FF sending me Lockwood gifts but it didnt work out (thx again FF--I still owe you). I got the level 60 reward that had been freezing me and was able to continue leveling up in Orb Runner and get another reward from Dan's Tron apt. with no problems. I'll post how it happened for me in this thread: Thx Dan and Trill!
note: if you don't know what it start on your time. try useing this: The World Clock – Time Zone Converter
Well last year we saw the E3 Booth in USA, EU, and HK Homes! But HK is still down.... Darn It! Sony get HK back on now so they too get E3 like Last year... RATS!
I can't watch it either, Carla. And I'll be so damn close to it during that speech. But at class that night only a couple miles away!!
I'm kinda new to this, i've never seen an E3 edition before on PS home so please, could somebody tell me where in the US PS Home will this E3 events take place? I don't know if it will be 1 or 2 separate events (one on monday 5 pm pacific time and one on tuesday 12 pm pacific time = california time?) since i did not understand 100% of the original post. I would love to get those rewards as much as all of you.
I assume the live streaming of E3 on Monday will be in one of the theaters next week. As for Tuesday, they're opening up a public space called the E3 Booth space. The streaming on Tuesday will either take place somewhere in that space or in one of the theaters again, I'm not 100% sure. And yes, Pacific time = California time, just google Time Converter to find your appropriate time. The blogpost was a bit vague aside from those times and such. They'll most likely give us more info of where exactly things are at come closer to next week.
They added a public space for it, you won I think 2 prizes for watching all the videos and it unlocked the upstairs space then the other prizes would be released on the next three or two days. that was basically how the rewards system worked. But I have a feeling this time it will be a bit different cause they are giving away rewards as well as Heavy water.
Thank you KCChad and Elmo-JO for your answers. I'll stay tuned on all spaces and on the home theater on monday and tuesday at 9 pm and 4 pm respectively here.