'Hard to be noticed' amidst PSN release deluge says dev An anonymous PSN dev has told EDGE that it might be hard to be noticed if you're publishing a game on PSN amidst the accelerated release period."As a developer, I feel very sorry for those teams that did try to release their titles during the PSN outage window," the dev told EDGE. "Beyond that, I feel sorry for those that are attempting to launch games in the days following the outage, as there will likely be such a backlog of traffic that it may be hard to be noticed in the flurry of 'get everything back up and running'." http://www.videogamer.com/news/hard_to_be_noticed_amidst_psn_release_deluge_says_dev.html
Warner Bros Waive Mortal Kombat ?Kombat Pass? Until PlayStation Store Returns Get Your Mortal Kombat On This Weekend: Whether You've Got An Online Pass Or Not.One of the most frustrating aspects of the PlayStation Store being offline is the inability to redeem online passes, making the multiplayer functionality you paid for temporarily unavailable. Mortal Kombat is perhaps the most notable multiplayer focused title to be locked out by this practice since the PSN went down, and in respect to its fanbase, Warner Bros has decided to disable the online pass until the PlayStation Store returns. http://www.pushsquare.com/26437/war...-kombat-pass-until-playstation-store-returns/
Capcom Can?t Bring Mega Man Legends To PlayStation Network Due To Licensing Mega Man Legends On PlayStation Store? Never Going To Happen.A lot of Capcom fans have been crying out for the re-release of Mega Man Legends as a PSone Classic on the PlayStation Store. But the publisher?s vice president, Christian Svensson, has single-handedly shot down many fans? dreams, claiming the game can?t be released due to licensing issues. http://www.pushsquare.com/26421/cap...ends-to-playstation-network-due-to-licensing/
Dirt 3 confirmed to use online pass New copies of DiRT 3 to include single-use code for online functionality.DiRT 3, which goes on sale on Tuesday May 24, requires an online pass for online functionality. All new retail copies of the game include a redeemable VIP code, while second-hand buyers will have to purchase the code.Once redeemed players can access online multiplayer functionality and the game's YouTube upload service, allowing you to share videos with the world. http://www.videogamer.com/news/dirt_3_confirmed_to_use_online_pass.html How great!! another company doing the online pass code crap. Then these companies cry when gamers buy pirated games cheap.
Wow You Are On Top Of All The Game News .. Lol ;D June Looks Like A Great Month For Gamers; E3 2011, inFamous 2, Red Faction Armageddon, FEAR 3, Duke Nukem, Splinter Cell Trilogy, Alice:Madness Returns, Dungeon Siege 3, Sniper:Ghost Warrior, Super Street Fighter IV:Arcade Edition, Dynasty Warriors, And So Much More ;D And Of Course The Playstation Home People Will Probably Get Updates As Soon As The Store Comes Up ;D
BioShock multiplayer modes not 'necessarily wanted Ken Levine thinks BioShock Infinite's virtue is that you're 'not going to get this experience anywhere else'.What did you think of BioShock 2's multiplayer? While most of us agreed on the quality of the main game - VideoGamer.com dished out a whopping 9/10 in its BioShock 2 review - some people felt the competitive deathmatch mode didn't really work. And it seems BioShock creator Ken Levine shares this view. http://www.videogamer.com/news/bioshock_multiplayer_modes_not_necessarily_wanted.html Here's something special if you missed it, BioShock Infinite nearly ten minutes of game play in this trailer. Please enjoy http://www.videogamer.com/videos/bioshock_infinite_gameplay_clip_2.html?type=hi
PlayStation Store won't return tomorrow Sony aims to have it live by the end of May.The PlayStation Store won't re-open today or tomorrow, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has said in response to rumours that the virtual shop's return is imminent.Instead, we're still looking at another week or so of downtime. http://www.videogamer.com/news/playstation_store_wont_return_tomorrow.html
Sony Opens Official E3 Website, Teases Nine PS3 Game Showcases Sony's Promising Some Big Announcements At This Year's E3.Sony?s launched its official E3 website, revealing a few details about the event but keeping schtum on all the juicy stuff. The website does contain a few teasers: NGP will be demonstrated, alongside nine PS3 titles (four of which are left blank). http://www.pushsquare.com/26563/sony-opens-official-e3-website-teases-nine-ps3-game-showcases/ http://www.sceainvites.com/e3_2011/
People want Modern Warfare 3 banned, claims Daily Mail Trailer which shows scenes similar to the 7/7 bombings in London causing upset.Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Reveal Trailer, which shows scenes of terrorism on the London Underground, is reported to have led to calls for the game to be banned, reports the Daily Mail.The Dail Mail is comparing the London Underground scenes to the 7/7 terrorist attacks in London, with those affected unhappy about the likeness found in Activision's guaranteed smash hit http://www.videogamer.com/news/people_want_modern_warfare_3_banned_claims_daily_mail.html
Updated: Remastered PSP games coming to PS3, Sony confirms PlayStation Portable titles of note will be remastered for the PS3; ?customized and developed specifically for the PS3? is how Sony puts it.Cleverly titled the ?PSP Remaster? series, games included in the initiative will ship on Blu-ray with high-def visuals, added Sixaxis/DualShock 3 functionality and, depending on the title, stereoscopic 3D.Users will also be able to for example play a game on their PSP, save it, and continue playing on a PS3. Ad-hoc mode gameplay is said to be available as well (except on the 20GB model). http://www.thatvideogameblog.com/2011/05/22/remastered-psp-games-coming-to-ps3-sony-confirms/ Here's video of MonsterHunter 3rd remastered http://www.thatvideogameblog.com/2011/05/22/first-look-at-a-psp-remaster-game/ God of War Collection - RemasteredTrailer http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhL2AsMZO1R03m1tR5 Ico & Shadow of the Colossus http://www.5min.com/Video/IcoShadow-of-the-Colossus-Collection-TGS-2010-Trailer-436405640
I Have Been Watching The E3 2011 Bonus Rounds On Gametrailers.com And They Showed Nintendo, Microsoft's And Playstations Predictions And What Not. They Added A New One Few Days Ago About Third Party Games .. They Mentioned GTA V And Other Titles To Come ;D You Can Check It Out Here If Interested .. Bonus Round: Episode 504
PlayStation celebrates PSN return with upcoming events Includes competitions and hosted forum discussions.PlayStation is celebrating the return of online gaming with upcoming features and events.According to the official PlayStation blog, these will involve "online fun nights, tournaments, competitions, hosted discussions on our forum and even the odd spectator event in PlayStation home."The full events list can be viewed on the PlayStation Network Events Calendar.VideoGamer.com AnalysisWhile some services on the PlayStation Network are now available, the PlayStation Store is still currently out of commission. It is rumoured to be up and running by the end of May. http://www.videogamer.com/news/playstation_celebrates_psn_return_with_upcoming_events.html
Sony Announces Decent Looking Official Wireless 7.1 Surround Sound Headset For PS3 We?ve been in the market for a quality pair of gaming headphones for some time now. Obviously we like cranking up the stereo as much as anyone else, but sometimes it?s just not viable. Enter Sony?s official wireless 7.1 surround sound headset. The cans will hit US retail for $99.99 (no word on a European release yet) nationwide this September. http://www.pushsquare.com/26716/son...-wireless-7-1-surround-sound-headset-for-ps3/
Sony cuts back on NGP power to compete? Reports are coming in that Sony are cutting back on the specs on their next handheld, codenamed Next Generation Portable, in order to keep pricing competitive with Nintendo?s 3DS.IndustryGamers picked up on a report from French site 01net (the very same site to out both NGP and Project Cafe details) that said cuts were being made to the base model of the NGP. Apparently, the 512MB of RAM will be halved to 256MB, while the 16MB of internal flash memory is also gone, relying on external memory instead. http://www.thatvideogameblog.com/2011/05/27/sony-cuts-back-on-ngp-power-to-compete/
Rockstar Announces Pass For L.A. Noire, If You Purchase Rockstar's L.A. Noire Pass You'll Get Access To All Of The Game's DLC.Rockstar?s announced its ?Pass? service for L.A. Noire this afternoon, a nifty method of keeping the primarily single-player title out of used game stores. The service will essentially allow players to ?pre-purchase? all of L.A. Noire?s upcoming DLC for $10. The content will still be available a la carte, but will cost you 50% more that way. http://www.pushsquare.com/26812/roc...ethod-of-keeping-used-copies-off-the-shelves/
Playstation Network down for maintenance, 'crucial step' for PSN Store return The Playstation Network will go down for several hours today so that Sony can perform some crucial maintenance bring back some of the missing services for PSN, including the Playstation Store. http://www.examiner.com/console-gam...ntenance-crucial-step-for-psn-store-restorati
Bleach Soul Resurrección [PS3] Announcement Trailer Looks awesome & maybe a certain kimmy can play as neil lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKIO58YhVuo
Watch Seven-Plus Minutes of Rage Gameplay Rage is a pretty game -- that's clear from the screenshots. Bethesda is very confident you'll think it looks even better in motion, and as such, it's released another trailer today, this one with nearly eight minutes of gameplay footage. http://www.1up.com/news/watch-seven-plus-minutes-rage-gameplay IT LOOKS AMAZING