Hi all, I would like to find out what type of user run Home events you all like the best and why? Also what type of new events would you like to see more of in Home that are user run?
This is a big one! Well the events I've enjoyed most were the ones that involved making the best use of friends/spaces. So things like a treasure hunt, where's wally... also Sbi's Bounty Hunter event sounded like it went down really well. A lot of these event organisers in Home (lets not forget most are kids) make some pretty big mistakes... usually they publicise it badly, give out vague details, change things at the last minute, dont take into account Home's limitations and usually (the biggest mistake) make it run over a few hours!!! But generally I like game launching, hunts and quizzes (but not too long or too hard!)
Cannot say about what's my favorite user-made Home Events now because i rarely be there or know those after all. For new events, any "Role-Playing" related and specially now Home have that "Dice" finally, some "Board Games" isn't a bad idea. For those events i'm be interested.
I went to a "test run" of a board game event... while the idea seems great... it lasted far too long. Ok now I know board games do... but on Home the periods when you are sat doing nothing are much more than in real life. I couldnt help thinking I'd have more fun playing the Uncharted board game or loading Catan
I personally like game launching and themed partys. I hate them events where you just meet in a public space and do the running man line, i mean come on think of a new idea. The event Pia did before was a real nice idea, be great to see more like that.
Thanks I did make some mistakes though... If I ever did it again i'd make sure it was a much quicker thing... anything that lasts more than one hour and I think people lose interest! But totally agree with you about running man line events... how is that an event??? That's just the kind of nonsense I get up to in Home anyway!