I would sacrifice Kevin Butler for not entertaining me in these desperate times of need. I would also sacrifice Fluffy because she broke PSN, twitter, and chatbox. Last, but not least I would sacrifice Kimi for assisting Fluffy in the breaking of everything!
In a zombie apocalypse with humanity versus flesh hungry zombies.... I would worry about a guy who calls himself "zombielover". he's a great guy, but I'm not sure which side he'll be on. ;D
I'd pick either JohnnyBeachboy for being irritating, and DJEpic for his "ouch" comments. Oh, hell, why not both?
Kimi already sacrificed 3 other people.. Your post said a FELLOW.. This isnt multiple user sacrifice here. lol
On May 21st, we will all get our chance when the end of the world comes. One group of crazies... er... sane people mention something about just the rapture happening on the 21st, and then the dead shall rise and the world will be terrorized for 5 months until the big kaboom in October... be ready!!! Get out your golden shottys and silver mini-smgs... and don't forget to double tap. Follow the rules of survival from this site: All Zombieland Rules - ZombielandRules.com