As you may or may not have heard, today Microsoft announced that they have reached an agreement with Skype to buy them out[1]. This hasn't happened yet, but "they have entered into a definitive agreement" with Skype. So we can be sure this is going to happen. Now I want to point out before I get too far into this that I have never used Skype, and only have a basic understanding of what it is. I remember seeing Skype on my PSP, and that's what I first thought of when I heard this news. In a press release today Microsoft said that they will continue to invest in and support Skype clients on non-Microsoft platforms. I have to wonder if this includes a major competitor like Sony. Or if Microsoft will offer fair and unbiased support to them. I'm sure there are contractual obligations between Skype and Sony that must be fulfilled before this becomes an issue for PSP owners. What will happen once those contracts are up is anybody's guess. Now, as they say, on to bigger and better things, the PS3. It has been reported[2] that a Sony representative said they are taking into consideration implementing features users have been asking for while rebuilding the PSN. Some rumors[3] were saying that Skype would be among the new features and would be used for the cross-game chat and video chat. If these rumors are to be believed this could be another major hitch for Sony in an already rough time. Assuming that Microsoft does show a willingness to work with them, is Sony going to be willing to run Microsoft applications on their systems? I, for one, don't see Sony continuing to use Skype for much longer in light of this news. [1]Microsoft to Acquire Skype: Combined companies will benefit consumers, businesses and increase market opportunity. [2]You Will Be Surprised And Pleased With The New PSN « Games Thirst [3]There is no valid source for this as it is only a rumor at this time.
I agree, Sony has enough on their plate as it is, I can't see why they would chance more problems while trying to save face in the publics eye.
IF not Skype then who Sony? Developers its time to get busy were's the competition? Sony pull your pants up fight back,first start by bring the network back like now.
Microsoft hasn't been really good with handling companies that they buy. They usually shop for reputably good to above average products and somehow it turns to average or below average after a few years. Can someone name a product/company that turned better? I can't think of any.
Seriously it would be nice if this company could actually innovate and make something people would like to buy without having to buy or borrow ideas from another company. I certainly agree that this isn't going to affect the companies bottom line other than to potentially do exactly what you've suggested Karen.