The internet is a wonderful place isn't it. Couple that with the fabulous journalism we have in the world today and how can you lose? Detective Work Reveals PSN Servers Up To Date __ Detective Work Reveals PSN Servers Up To Date BY Brad Grenz,COMMUNITY WRITER Sunday, May 08, 2011 We've all been hearing over and over again for the last week that Sony was running an outdated version of Apache on their webservers. The implication of course being that this represents Sony's laissez-faire attitude towards the protection of customer information, making it easy for the hackers to gain entry to PSN. But the funny thing about this kind of "common knowledge" in the age of the internet is the way rumors have an unfortunate tendancy to be repeated as fact. Just a week ago it was common knowledge that Sony stored every PSN passwords in plain text. It was also common knowledge that SOE hadn't been compromised. Neither of those things proved true. One member of the Beyond3D forum, deathindustrial, was curious about the outdated server software claim and did a very brief amount of research into the issue. Beyond3D's community has a unique combination of technically knowledgable user with a low rate of console fanboyism allowing for an honest discussion of things like the PSN data breach without the conversation devolving into another proxy battle in the great fanboy wars. As it turns out, it is fairly simple to use Google's webcache to show what version of Apache the PSN servers were using back in March. According to a page request archived by Google on March 23, 2011, at that time Sony was running version 2.2.17 of the popular software. You can see from Apache's website 2.2.17 is the latest, stable version of the webserver available even today. This is a direct repudiation of the claims being made that Sony's webservers were out of date by as much as five years. Poster deathindustrial also goes on to point out the folly in using "security expert" Dr Stafford's testimony before Congress as a source for the claims that the servers were outdated and that Sony knew about it. In the written statement which accompanied his testimony he clearly states: I have no information about what protections they had in place, although some news reports indicate that Sony was running software that was badly out of date, and had been warned about that risk. In truth, he has no first hand knowledge of the state of Sony's servers or Sony's knowledge about possible exploits and that he was literally repeating claims he read in the media which stem from IRC logs that were being passed around back in February. He didn't even do the very basic detective work it has taken to completely repudiates the claims. It's sad to say, but many are so eager to see Sony's eye blackened that they are willing to believe any rumor which puts the PlayStation in a negative light. We are in a backwards world where everything Sony says is assumed to be a lie or conspiracy and anonymous "IRC chat logs" of dubious origins have miraculously become the most trusted news source in the industry. Here we have a concrete example of why its important to actually verify your source before repeating something as fact.
Very Good Joanna and YPSH we are about the Facts here that's what makes our site special thank you Administrators for all that you do Sony is a very professional organization and they know how they became Sony thru there supporters, great info take that Xboxers.
I thought that story was a little fishy. Once I read that Sony wasnt using any firewalls that was a good clue it wasnt a true story. Thanks for the post JD!
Well I'm having fun arguing with users over at Playstation Network Support who think that all the IT professionals dealing with crisis are off because of vacation plans due to the holiday weekend here and in Japan. Who's to say what is or isn't true at this point. One thing for sure is not to believe everything you read on the internet.
Very good info.. Alot of people has lost their trust in Sony due to the Playstation Forums. Hopefully, alot of people come here and read this post, cause it shows how Sony is just trying to do what they have to do, to fix any and all problems. I mean, for all we know Sony wanted this to happen, so they would have a great excuse to bring the servers down and upgrade everything. But, when it comes to this day and age, the truth about things don't ever come out......
Even with all the right steps Sony took to protect their systems, before and after the hacking incident, Nay sayers are always going to find a way to nit pick everything and not believe this. People with panic and caught up in every rumor about the cause of downtime. Shameless folks will always hear what they want to hear and not listen to common sense and truth.
Who would win in a fight between 1 Lion vs. 40 Midgets? Sorry for the confusion... the 'Lion Mutilates 42 Midgets in Cambodian Ring-Fight' article is fake the internet works in such wonderful ways
Easy win for the midgets, as long as they don't attack one at a time. Although put a couple more lions in there and it's anyone's game. :biggrin:
funny thing is who knows who this guy is or whether that site is reliable? lol Im just waiting to log-in and be back on and not bothering with reading anything else at this point. lol
Wait so now they claim the servers aren't outdated. So what web software is the PS3 web browser using when websites tell me that the browser is 10yrs outdated
We may be getting a totally new web browser for PS3. And relative to the browser and the platform I do think Sony made one error in putting the console together and that was not to put sufficient RAM into it. They've been dealing with that issue for quite some time in my view. Sony PS3 Getting Google Chrome Browser: 2nd Clue Appears
Well I just saw another blog article saying we weren't getting Chrome so who knows what to believe. One can hope. At least the PS3 has a browser although personally I don't use it all that much. It was kind of fun during Xi.
The Chrome rumors have been around for quite a while now. I just hope they aren't rumors. The PS3's current web browser is pretty useless since it's flash version is ancient.
sony does use android operating system in its equipment, android and chrome are googles so why not i suppose
I'm very happy that the PS3 has a web browser period. I like some others don't have a PC & the PS3 web browser is extremely useful. Setting up accounts for e-mail addresses, changing passwords, keeping track of personal information such as PSN purchases, & it's extremely useful surfing the web even though outdated in times like this. I'm very thankful that Sony added the web browser to the PS3 so me & others without a PC, Whom can not afford a PC can keep in touch with important news & events from around the internet, for allowing the PS3 to include a web browser i give Sony a big heartfelt thanks for that Your awesome I knew i left Sega Saturn for a good reason.