I was trying to login to YourPSHome on PS3. i fail to login on PS3 in just only one try... PS3 attack YourPSHome! Can you fix it?
Oh didn't know the ps3 can view this site must be new since i tried once before.. And i did a scan and was clean..
Thats when i try to login I put the user name "usernameAL2009man" or Password(add your password here)" (Glitch Login) and it gives me a bug! it fail by all 5 try in just only one try! when i check my E-mail: i got a [Failed Login Notification on Your PlayStation Home] "Someone has tried to log into your account on Your PlayStation Home with an incorrect password at least 5 times. This person has been prevented from attempting to login to your account for the next 15 minutes. The person trying to log into your account had the following IP address:" Carla need to fix that erorr! It was me: i try to login with my PS3 (sine i got bored)and i got a erorr! so this is how it got PS3-Hacked
Scary. This won't be able to happen again? Has anyone found this malware on their system? Is this maybe a member of the hacker group Anonymous who lives in Romania? Are they vampires? When will Home be up? Will I find the perfect mate? And what are the winning lottery numbers please? Thanks. :stretcher:
Hopefully it does not happen again.No ones reported it as i say the page failed to load when they added it so was no way for it to be passed on via that page.Very unlikely Anon ddos its just one them things that from time to time make there way around the internet.From Romania i would say its likely they are.Never.If by perfect you mean 6 legs 2 heads and 1 eye then yes.12 43 1 33 24 5
Umm - you forgot one number for the powerball - and please let us know which of those numbers is the powerball number - would hate to play the wrong one :thumbsup: JPConway
So, is there a good anti-Malware software for the Mac anywhere? I guess I could go to CNet and investigate, but I am lazy and like to hear from you folks too.
Just as a heads up most PS3 internet sites are reporting the same re run scan if you have been visiting other PS3 forum or news sites