Looks like their pleas of "not us" weren't true. We knew Anon did it. FT.com / Technology - Hackers point finger over Sony incursion Thanks again to Kane. I found this while reading some of his links. I thought it deserved higher visibility.
"are likely". Yes, well whether directly or indirectly involved, whether it was a portion of or splinter group or a "third party" that found or used an opening that the initial DDoS caused, I think a lot of people are pooping in their pants now. I'm just glad I don't hack.
There is no doubt in my mind that they did it or members of their group did it. I just hope they get caught.
Yea even if it wasn't Anon they opened the door to others and gave them idea's.. But yea the need to get caught and ask them who is legend now, But then again it's part sony's fault to for not having better security in the first place and never kept it updated hopefully now they will.. But the Bllame goes on Anon..
Maybe they'll re-evaluate their priorites in life when they're sharing a cell with some big guy named Bubba.
This isn't Sony attacks directly but it is Anonymous. Seems the FBI has tracked down at least one of the losers. It's only a matter of time before more of them are with Bubba. UPDATED: Local Man Under Investigation for Possible Cyber Attacks - Gig Harbor, WA Patch
Well. I don't think I would ever join a group that lacked any governing. Who enforces the rules? Who comes foward in person to say, "It wasn't us. Someone else used our name and/or motto. FBI, please don't come to my door and take my laptop, etc. and/or haul me downtown. You have to believe what I'm saying". For a group that aspires to be "intellectuals", maybe the should have seen this coming? :sp_ike: Yeah Jo, I posted in other thread.
They are extremely cocky. They believe themselves to be above the law. They believe the law can't get them. but "Pride goeth before a fall" ;D
Yeah and recent current events on the news would prove that people who think that they're untouchable are delusional.
The sad fact of the matter is that they still can cause a lot of trouble for Sony and it's network. I hate to say it but I'm getting very depressed at the moment with some of the possibilities. This is certainly far from fun and a lot of people are suffering at the moment because of these losers.
The perps are unplugged and on the run (one would think?) and PSN will be all new and built like Fort Knox. Well, maybe not Fort Knox but it won't have the same backdoor. Just a few days and you will begin to forget about all your troubles.
Don't worry Jo, we will win out in the end. Anon has been very arrogant. Beieving they are above the law ,they have commited numerous illegal acts. So when they are caught, the punishment will be very tough. And the FBI just raided one house that belong to a member of Anon. That will lead them into their secret world. Kids like that squeal like a pig when faced with a life in prison with "bubba" who likes little boys. Anon will fall. We got Bin Ladin. We will get Anon. We don't even need any Superman now. We got Bin Ladin without him. LOL