Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? Have you ever put oreos in your coffee? What is your all time favorite candy? So many sugar invested thoughts are popping in my head, right now Show Pics to try advertising lol :jump:
Did you KNOW that Certain foods can provide a variety of different endorphin-producing effects and not only chocolate lol. What you fuel your body with can mend a bad feeling in no time. Chocolate: releases endorphins*like anandamide, the chemical that copies the relaxing effects of marijuana. Maybe that's why some people have equated the feeling from eating chocolate to feeling like they are in love. Peppers: Spicy foods release endorphins, especially those containing*capsaicin, like chilis. Protein. Meat, fish and legumes: all carry high protein levels that send endorphins*to raise*dopamine levels which make you focused and alert. Carbohydrates. "Comfort foods": actually do comfort those who eat them by increasing serotonin levels which can make you calm and relaxed. Macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes and pasta all provide an endorphin-rich comfort zone. Just be careful of the potential pounds these foods may provide as well.
bwahahaha! THE ATTACKS OF THE CINNAMON CANNIBAL or VAMPIRE Note: i need to write this recipe down b/c anything taste good with cinnamon X__X
Starbucks is having a happy hour sale starting friday (today) lasting a week. Frappacinos half off from 3-5PM!! I likey!
mmmm poki =0 yum idk if i could find a picture but they r like thin bread dipped in chocolate ( theres also strawberry ... there may be others as well ...) but they r SOOOOOOOOOOO Good
OMG!!! That Reminds Me of............ MONKEY BREAD MONKEY BREAD*4 cans refrigerator biscuits (about 40)1 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon1/2 cup butter1 cup white sugar1 cup brown sugar, packed1/2 cup pecans, raisins and/or coconut, if desired Cut each biscuit into 4 pieces. Pour sugar and cinnamon into a plastic bag and mix.Add biscuit pieces, several at a time; shake to coat well.Place pieces in a buttered tube or Bundt pan until all are used.Sprinkle layers with nuts, raisins or coconut.Bring brown sugar and butter to a boil in saucepan. Cool 10 minutes, then pour over top of biscuits.Bake at 350°F for 40-45 minutes. Allow to cool 15 minutes before removing from pan. Turn upside down to serve.