In the last 3 years our finance system was almost brought down to it's knee's around the world. By a small group of bankers and stock swindlers. So this quote I put up from anon doesn't have a ring of truth in it? Shall I give you a current history lesson where gulags still exist. People being murder as I write this. Because a government doesn't like what you say or worst think. Does Syrian, Libya ring a small bell. Their just little perpetrators compared to the big abusers in this world...
Sony running outdated software? They just now figured that out HAHA!!! The razza-fraggin web browser itself on the PS3 is 10yrs old. You can't run G4tv alot of websites using the PS3 web browser, those websites & other scream at you....HEY!!! WTH!? coming here with that old S#!% please update your web browser it's so old yo breasts only make powdered milk. You can barley run other websites like yahoo & some forums too although sometimes not fully
Did venturebeat redacted it no? I'm the first person to say never believe anything on the internet to a point. Personally I don't think sony would use apache servers. But seeing how sony is handling this I don't know now. I know MP sites like call of duty and many others use apache servers. So I wonder who would want to spead disinformation at this time? Hint it begins with an "S" and ends in a "Y"....