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  1. Saints Row The Third is probably one of my favorite games this year. The whole game is just amazing. Missions, great! Probably some of my favorites are the zombie one, Three Way, We've Only Just Begun, the party crash, those are just a few. My favorite characters are Shaundi (her hilarious attitude), Matt Miller (who would not love a Decker geek? Cheers ;D) Kinzie (geeky chick!) and Viola (snobbeh :p). The story is solid. You can do anything you want! I.e: Kill gangs, take over stores, buy insane weapons, parachute, use watercraft, kill some STAG, dress up in almost anything, the list goes on. If you don't know the story of SR3, basically the Saints have left Stilwater and are in Steelport, a city taken over by three gangs: Morningstar, Luchadores(wrestlers), and Deckers(punk hackers). And the whole objective of the game is to take over Steelport. It's a very good game if you love free roam, and a great story. The characters have amazing backstories and the commentary is hilarious.


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  1. Yoseph Hudson
    that game is BOSS :]
  2. goad home
  3. nicebrenn32
    The game is AWESOME
  4. alexbuffy
    Yeah I have. I got the Decker outfit. :)
  5. iluvjesse
    Thts my fav game 2 :)
  6. Heavyn
    ;D I love that game 2, you buy any of the home saints row the third costumes.