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  1. So i just bought the new redbull skatepark space, and for 5 bucks, its not bad. Its a decent looking space, there are several tv's (including one by the hot tub) thatshow some skateboarding videos, some room for decoration but really nothing fancy. I think most people are going to buy this for the skateboard game. Frankly, (if you're old enough to remember when they were actually good on the original Playstation) its a tony hawk clone through and through, but i think they did a halfway decent job, Controls, game-play, objectives, free run where you justskate around, everything is the same. (I’ve only had it for 15 minutes so Im not yet sure if there are any rewards) There are a few music tracks (the music is what you have seen and would expect for the tony hawk series, (didn’t impress but didn’t get on my nerves either) the controls aren’t as tight, and while the space itself is relatively large, the skate park itself isn’t all that big.
    If they had tried to charge 6 or 7 or more dollars and call it a "premium space" because of the skateboard game I'd call it a rip off but for the standard 5 bucks for a personal space, its mostly worth it..... IF, and ONLY IF u remember AND liked the old tony hawk games. It wont become my favorite personal space, but if nothing else, the skateboard game is just good enough that I'll keep coming back. i give it an 8 out of a 10


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  1. Spiritwolf101
    I glitches it first 5 min I hd it so now I can run round on the skate park